Monday 10 October 2011

The Environment- Robert Adam's Book Research

Robert Adam's Book Research
From the library I took out two books by Robert Adams. The first book is called ‘The New West’ and shows areas in America along the Colorado Front Range that are being built for new suburban developments. The pictures in the book represent the contradiction of how humans have changed the landscape. ‘What Can We Believe Where?- Photographs of the American West’ is the second book I got out by Robert Adams. This book also shows the contradiction between human presence and nature. 

The photography in ‘The New West’ represents Adam’s views on American west and how its nearly gone and been replaced by ‘The New West’. To Adam’s ‘The New West’ consists of motorways, buildings, business’, and signs. Adams said ‘all land, no matter how what has happened to it, has over it a grace, an absolutely persistent beauty’. I feel his work shows this because even though he has photographed how humans have destroyed parts of the landscape you can still see its beauty in parts the humans can’t touch. From looking through images I noticed how Adams almost makes areas that are man made look natural and part of the landscape. In his work I feel Adam’s is trying to show how we are the ones that have ruined our landscapes so we should learn to love them.

‘What Can We Believe Where?- Photographs of the American West’ is a series of 100 images by Robert Adams. Each image has a feeling of both beauty and tragedy as Adam’s work shows the loss of wilderness in the American West. The beauty feeling in the images is shown through the hope the pictures have because of how there is still beauty in the world that haven't been touched by humans such as sunlight. The photos of deforestation have a feeling of sadness because of how you can see the bare land and sections of tree’s that haven't been removed yet. The remaining tree’s symbolise Adam’s hope because he feels theres is a ‘persistent beauty’ in the landscape. This set of pictures really inspired me for my own set of three images as I like how you can clearly see the effect humans have had on nature and how we’re slowly loosing all of our wilderness. 

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