Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Commission- Artist Research for Magazine

Stefan Sagmeister
Sagmeister is a graphic designer and typographer. He has designed album covers for artist such as Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones and OK Go. He has also worked for many magazines since the age of 15. Now he designs packaging, branding, graphics and books. From looking at his work it made me realise how important typography is as in graphic design, and how it can change the whole feel of the image. Sagmeister's work inspired me for our magazine with how he layers text on top of his images and with his use of different type fonts.

David Carson 
David Carson is also a graphic designer who mostly works on magazine design and typography. His work was described as being 'grunge typography', some of his images look as if the have been ruined purposefully, he also places text on images the same way by having missing letters and having them all placed unevenly.
He also designs pages in magazine where the images and text look as if they are on the same level as the text is almost as big as the picture and overlaps it, I found that this technique makes the images stand out and want to use it in our magazine. 

Neville Brody
Neviller Brody works as a Art director, graphic designer and typographer. He has worked on many magazines such as The Face and Arena and also designed album covers for artists such as Depeche Mode. The way he designs the text so larger fonts is mixed in smaller fonts makes certain words stand out and grab your attention this is a technique we could use in our magazine. I also find it interesting with how he uses a black and white colour scheme with often one bright colour as it attracts your attention to the page.

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