Saturday 26 November 2011

The City- Pastiche Location's

Idea's for locations
To find suitable locations to photograph my pastiche of Brassai's, 'No27 of Paris after dark' (1933), I searched online for areas that had cobbled streets. I also used google maps to see if the places were ideal for my pastiche. These are some areas that look similar to the location in the photograph by Brassai:

-Lovat Lane
This location in London looks ideas because of the small street and how the sides of the building tower over you however there is only street lights and no signs that light up. The lights from shop signs in Brassai's is one of the main focal points in his image so I don't think this location would be ideal. 

-Maiden Lane
Only the road in the middle of this street is cobbled which is unlike the street in Brassai's image so I feel it wouldn't be a correct match. There is also double yellow lines in the road which I feel would give the photo to much of a modern feel and wouldn't look similar to Brassai's image. 

-James Street, Covent Garden
I feel Covent Garden would be very busy if I were to photograph it at night because it is a very popular location in London which would mean I wouldn't be able to photograph an empty street. Covent Garden is also a very wide street and I would need a small street to make my image look similar to Brassai's.

-Floral Street
This road has yellow lines going down it which gives the location a very modern feel which is a different feel to the street in Brassai's 'No27 of Paris after dark' image. There is also posts running down both sides of the street which is different to the street in the photo I have to pastiche. 

-Wicklow Street
This street in London looks too wide compared to the one in Brassai's image, it also has no street or shop lights on the buildings which is a big focal point in the image by Brassai. There also might be a chance that cars will be parked down the street which will make the street look to modern in comparison to the time Brassai's image was taken.

-Hoxton Square
Hoxton Square in London looks very idea because of the arrangement of the buildings, the fact that there is buildings right in the background is very similar to the location in Brassai's image. The way the buildings tower over the street is also very similar to Brassai's image as well as how narrow the street is. 

-Rose Cresent
 I like how the buildings tower over the the street and how the street is very narrow. Along the building there is many shop signs and windows which will give a similar effect to the buildings in the photo I have to pastiche. This street also has cobbled streets which is one of the main focal points in Brassai's image.

-Rochester high street
The high street in Rochester has a very historic feel to it which is similar to the street in Brassai's image. Eventhough the main high street is wider then Brassai's image there is still some side streets that will be more suitable. This location has cobbled flooring and old street signs and lights which will make the image look similar to Brassai's.

Out of all the different locations I looked at this street named Rose Cresent in Cambridge and the main high street in Rochester is the most similar to Brassai's image. Both of the street's have a very historic feel to them because of the architecture and the old fashioned styled street lights and signs which is very similar to the street in 'No27 of Paris after dark' . The buildings are also quite tall which will give a similar effect to the street in Brassai's image.

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