Friday 25 November 2011

The City- Brassai


Brassai photographs paris at night, which provides a look into the nocturnal side of a city. When Brassai was describing his book, 'Le Paris secret des annees trente' he said, “Thanks to endless wandering through Paris it was possible to continue, and to make a kind of social study of the creatures that occupied the city by night. I was familiar with the very lowest strata of society, even the criminals”. By photographing at night provides a sensitive look into the city as he’s photographing the underworld of the city which is rarely seen and documented. Brassai said “The night suggests, it does not show. The night disquiets and surprises us with its otherness; it releases forces within us which by day are dominated by reason. I love the wonders of the night, which the light causes to break forth” this shows he’s fascination he had with the city at night and how light from street lamps or shops reveals it from the darkness. Brassai photographed in bars and cafe’s as well as the back streets of Paris which is where he found his most interesting subjects such as transvestites,nightclub owners and entertainers, prostitutes and lovers. He believed that people who came out at night were what kept the city alive. When he took the portraits he only took a couple of photo’s as he felt they would look to staged if he took more. All of his images have a very mysterious and dramatic feel, with the way Brassai uses natural elements such as rain and mist and with how his images are lit. I decided to analyse Brassai's other work to learn about the technique's he uses for my pastiche, I also was inspired by his work for my own three images I have to create.

The main focal point in this image is the car with its light shining across the image. By including the car shows how the city is always moving and is always busy, this is also symbolised by the composition of the image as the car looks like its going to travel through the image. The light from the cars headlights and the street lamps in the background illuminate the whole of the image, the lights look as if they are revealing the city from the darkness. The way the lights are illuminating from the darkness adds a mysterious atmosphere to the photo as if the city has been hiding something. Brassai has included tree’s in the background this represents the relationship between nature and the city and how they are a big impact on each other. In the background of the image there are tree’s mixed amongst some lamp posts, this shows the different between urban and city landscapes because they look similar this also represents there similarities and the importance of them both. The mist acts as a lighting diffuser which stops there from being a extreme contrast between the shadowed and lighter areas. However there is still a contrast which gives the city a very dramatic and mysterious feel.

Brassai has captured the city in a very picturesque way with how he has included a tree in the foreground, and photographed a bridge over water. By using a picturesque style Brassai has given a different view to the city, normally buildings are included in images of the city which makes them look very documentary whereas this image has a very fine art feel to it. There is a serene feel to this image because of the softness of the water, this is because Brassai has used a slow shutter speed as he has taken the picture at night. The slow shutter speed has softened the image and made the water look very soft this contrast’s against the dark tree in the foreground. By using natural elements in this photograph such as the water and tree symbolises the importance of nature in comparison to the city. The street lights along the bridge illuminate the whole of the image, the way they are illuminating the darkness makes it look as if the city is revealing it self. 

This photograph by Brassai looks at the city in a different way to he’s other image as he looks at the citizens in of the city. Brassai has photographed the couple in a very secretive way as if he has creeped up on them this makes them look very natural. The poses the two subjects are in give a seductive feel to the image, because of there intimacy. The building on the right side of the image and the street lamp on the opposite side frame the couple in the middle of the picture which makes them stand out. The couple have been illuminated by the street lamp which has cast a rim light around this gives the image a sculptural feel and makes them stand out against the background. By including a building and a street lamp sets the location and shows you that it was taking in an urban area. The shadows give the photo a dramatic feel and adds an mysterious atmosphere to the image, especially as the shadows contrast against the lighter areas in the image. 

This image by Brassai looks at a part of the city that is normally overlooked, the ground. The patterned lines running through the image draws your attention through the image. There is also symmetrical theme running through the image with the repetition of the cobbled stones this symbolises the structure of the city and how it is being controlled. By photographing the city at night makes it appear more mysterious and seductive, because of the light and the shadows. The light from the street lamps illuminate the darkness as if it is revealing the city. There is an extreme contrast between the light and darks areas, which shows areas of the darkness the lights didn't reach, this adds a mysterious feel to the photo as it makes you wonder what the shadows are hiding in the city. Natural elements have been included in the images such as rain and the tree’s in the background, this represents the relationship between the city and the environment and how they both have large impacts on each other.  

Book Research
From the library I borrowed a book called 'Brassai's Universal Art' the book includes Brassai's work from between 1899 and 1984. 

To gain inspiration for my city project I scanned some of the images from the book to ananlyze.  This image below is by Brassai is from his series called 'Day Visions' and is called 'Chantres in Winter'. It is taken from a high angle and is looking down over the surrounding city. The camera angle shows the vastness of the city and how much of the natural area it has taken over. The tall shadowed building on the left side of the building makes the city feel as if something dark is looming over the city. I was inspired by this image Brassai for my own three city images especially with how Brassai show's the vastness of the city through his choice of camera angles.  

This image is also from Brasssai's series called 'Day Vissions', the photograph is called 'Hotels used by Prostitutes in the rue Quincammpoix'. By using a high camera angle makes you look down at the street because of the camera angle used the photo has a very natural feel as you can see people walking on the street below it makes you feel as if your amongst the street with them. Brassai has given his image's a very confined feel with the location he has chosen and the positioning of his camera. On either side of the street the buildings are very tall which adds to the confined feel as they tower over the people walking along the street. The street is very narrow and the photographer has emphasised this by showing the buildings on each sides of the street which makes you feel as if you are stuck between them. 

This image is also from the series 'Day visions' and is called 'Andre Cheniers House, on the corner of rue de Clery and rue Beauregard'. The low camera angle makes the buildings look very tall as you look up to them from a low point of view. By photographing at street level makes you feel as if you are there in the city and looking up at the buildings . The inclusion of the man in the picture represents the relationship there is between the city and citizens. Brassai has used a large aperture in this image so all the buildings are in focus this shows the vastness of the city as you can see all the detail in the buildings. 

This image by Brassai is named 'Sign'. Brassai has used a low camera angle for this image which has made the building appear very tall. The technique Brassai has used could symbolism the modernisation of the city as he has captured the size of the building which could show the way the city is always growing. I was inspired by the camera angle used and how you are looking up at the building from street level which makes you feel as if you are looking up at the building.Brassai has included natural elements in this picture, this could represent the relationship between nature and the city. 

From  'Brassai's Universal Art' book I became familiar with Brassai's work and the different techniques he has used. I was inspired by his use of camera angles to emphasise the size of the buildings as it symbolises the size of the city. By capturing the size of the city in his image's Brassai has symbolised the modernisation of the city and represented the way it is constantly growing. Many of Brassai's images include natural elements such as tree's and different weather conditions which captures the relationship between nature and the city and how they both have huge effects on each other. 

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