Monday 21 May 2012

Post- Production

We went through all of our images as group to decided what ones we liked the best. We narrowed our search down by removing any images where there was no smoke , where the model wasn't facing forward and where she didn't have the fur coat on. We felt this left the most strongest ones we then narrowed the search down even more by removing any images where the model wasn't in focus as we wanted a pin sharp image.  This is the final image we choose:
We choose this image based on how the model looked, we thought she looked very strong and powerful which matched our concept. We also liked how the models were lit. The only thing we felt let the image down was how bright the smoke is but we decided we was going to edit it in Photoshop as it could be easily fixed. 

Samantha, Marie and myself came in to edit and print our image, to edit the image we first use Phocus to get the contrast right on the whole of the image. Once we exported the image in to Photoshop we decided what areas we thought needed work on and then masked them of as a new layer so we could edit each section separately and go back to it if we needed to readjust it. We also used the cloning tools to remove any marks that were too distracting on the image.

The areas we edited using the curves tool was:
- The models face and skin to brighten it up and to add contrast
- The coat to add more detail in to it as it was too dark
- The underwear to make it more brighter
- The male models legs so you could them more
- The drain pipe so it stood out more against the darkness
- We selected the smoke to make it less bright as it took your attention away from the model
- We made the front wall lighter so you could see more detail in the brick work
- We also added more contrast to the back wall

This is our final edited images:

After we had edited the images we made a test strip of the image so we could print it. We adjusted four of the images on the test strip so each one was brighter then the other one, we also adjusted another four which were more darker then one another to see how we should print the image. This is our test strip for printing:

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