Thursday 22 December 2011

The City- Digital test shots

Digital test shots for night time photograph
For inspiration I took some digital photo's of a town for 'The City' project. I decided to take the images at night to practice night time photography for when I take my pastiche and my three images.
I focused on the built up areas of the town to show the modernisation of the city and so my pictures have an urban feel. From the test shot's I feel they do not represent modernisation as well as they could do, when I take my final images I will photograph taller buildings to symbolise the way the city is always growing and modernising to improve them. The artificial lighting from the shop windows helps to symbolise the modernisation theme as the electricity used represents a modern city, when I take my final images I am going to capture artificial lighting in my work to also symbolise this. In post production I changed all of the images to black and white as I will be using black and white film for all of my final images I did this as I wanted to see how the city would look in monochrome. I feel the black and white effect makes the images stand out because of the shadows and highlights and how they contrast with each other. From taking these test shots I decided I want to photograph the town where I live, for my final three images, as I have noticed how much it has modernised from first hand as I have lived there my whole life.

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