Sunday 20 November 2011

The City- Pastiche

Pastiche- Brassai

To help choose the photographer I wanted to pastiche for ‘The City’ part of ‘The Environment’ project I researched the three photographers we were given. Brassai’s work appealed to me the most because I liked how the urban areas illuminated the night and gave the location a very seductive feel. Brassai loved the city and often walked around the streets at night which led to him using photography to explore the city even more. He was fascinated at how society amused itself at night and the scenes that they create, he began to photograph people who came out at night. The image by Brassai that I’m going to pastiche is called, ‘No 27 of Paris after dark’ (1933), it is of a small cobbled street in Paris taken at night time, the picture includes street lights and shop signs that illuminate the street. One of the reason’s I choose to pastiche Brassai’s images is because they have a romantic fantasy feel to them with how he captures the locations at night time. He uses natural elements in his work such as rain and mist which softens the light as the mist diffuses the light. To capture the same effect in my own photo, I’m going to photograph a location that has cobbled streets as well as street signs that light up as I feel they are the two most important parts of the photo. As I will be taking the image at night I’m going to use a tripod so the image won’t be blurred as I will need to use a slow shutter speed to let enought light through to the film. Brassai timed his long exposures by using cigarettes for when he needed long exposures he bought slow burning cigarettes which were more expensive. I decided to analyze this photograph by Brassai so I could look at techniques I could use in my own image to capture the same atmosphere as he has:

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